If this is your first time applying for an accessible parking space, then continue reading. You will need to know your rights as a disabled person in the United States. You will be protected and have specific laws that allow you to obtain a parking placard to park accessibly for your condition.

Throughout the country, each of the 50 states are governed through federal law by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Every county and local government have ordinances and rules written in addition to the widely known, federal law. The variations of the laws may cause you exhaustion and confusion, so allow the following outline to help you through the process.

How Do You Qualify?

You will need to get a Parking Application for Mobility Impaired Persons from your local West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles office. You may need to perform some research to be sure you are following all of the requirements. You will also need to see your doctor as required on your application.

Fortunately, your application is available to you in many forms. You can download off of the Division of Motor Vehicles website, request an application to be sent in the mail to you, or visit your local office in person to pick up. You must be meet the requirements for one or more of the following:

  • Inability to walk without 200 or more feet without stopping to rest
  • Unable to walk without help from a cane, crutch, brace, wheelchair, prosthetic mechanism, or other device
  • You have a sever lung disease restraining your breathing
  • You must have a portable oxygen tank for breathing
  • You are diagnosed with a Class III or Class IV cardiac disease
  • Restrictions apply to your mobility from an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition

How Do You Apply for Your Parking Placards?

First, you need to collect copies of your social security number, driver’s license, title of your vehicle and other important information pertaining to you and your vehicle. Then, you must have your doctor verify your disability or disabilities on your application. Your doctor will assess if your disability is temporary or permanent.

Permanent disabilities are those of you whose condition will not change from one year to five years, possibly indefinitely. Temporary disabilities are for you if you are expected to recover in less than one year. This step is exponentially important to what type of disability parking placard you will receive.

After completing your application carefully, you must submit in person or through mail at:

Division of Motor Vehicles

Mobility Impaired Placards and Plates

P.O. BOX 17010

Charleston, WV 25317

You can also begin the application process online with Disabled Parking.

What Happens When You Receive Your Disability Parking Placards?

You should receive your parking placards within two to six weeks, through the mail. You will be required to hang your placard on the inside of your vehicle on your rearview mirror. Be sure that the expiration date is visible to the outside of your vehicle. If you do not have a rearview mirror, place your parking placard on your dashboard to the furthest right of your car, confirming the expiration date is still seeable.

In addition to receiving your disability parking placards, you will also receive an Identification Card for Mobility Impaired Persons. You must keep this with you at all times just in case you are stopped by an officer. You will be required to show your ID card to the law enforcement officer upon request.

What Other Rules Apply to You?

The laws are strict in every state regarding abuse and misuse of accessible parking placards. If you are caught, you will be charged with a misdemeanor criminal offense. Please follow the statutes that are applicable in West Virginia:

  • Parking in Accessible Spaces when you do not have a placard
    • First Offense- You will be fined up to $200
    • Second Offense- You will be fined up to $300
    • Third Offense- You will be fined up to $500

You are not permitted to loan your disability parking placards to anyone. You are in contempt of use if you allow any other person to do so, even if that person is running an errand for you. Your parking placards could be revoked. Know the laws that apply to you as a mobility impaired parking placard holder.

How to Renew Your Placards and Plates

Renewal notices will be sent through the mail to you 30 days before your placards and disabled plates expire. You may fill out the renewal form and send back to the Division of Motor Vehicles or utilize the DMV’s online renewal service.

If you specified to receive disabled license plates, your plates are renewable with your annual registration of your vehicle. Keep in mind that your insurance and inspection of your vehicle must be current for the month of registration. It is against the law of West Virginia to operate your vehicle with an invalid inspection sticker.

Permanent parking placards are eligible for renewal every one to five years, you must renew before expiration to avoid unnecessary penalties for non-renewals. Temporary placards are not able to be renewed; you must submit a new application and medical certification from your doctor to receive new temporary parking placards. Never park with an expired disability parking placard, there is no grace.

Where are the Regional Office Locations?

It’s always best to know your county and city laws and locations of your Division of Motor Vehicles offices. Whether you need to visit in person or to pay fines and fees, West Virginia makes this process simple. You need to find the branch closest to you and deem that branch as your designated help center. There are over 20 offices to service all of West Virginia and you may use the online system to serve as a resource.

How to Conclude Your Application Process

After satisfying all requirements from the DMV and researching your local rules, you can acquire a disability parking permit. Remember to use the resources available to you, like this outline, if you are stuck in a loop. Knowledge will be your key to succeeding your application.