Getting stuck in heavy inner-city traffic is not a pleasant experience. Heavy traffic adds a lot of extra time to a journey, and sitting in a vehicle for long periods of time while crawling along at a snail’s pace can be frustrating and uncomfortable.

Most drivers prefer to avoid vehicle congestion wherever possible, and for disabled drivers in particular, it’s important to make every car trip safe and stress-free. Luckily, there are ways to avoid heavy traffic when driving in the city. If you follow some useful rules of thumb, it’s possible to skirt around those bumper-to-bumper queues entirely! Read on for our top tips on how to avoid inner-city traffic.

How To Drive In City Traffic

Driving in busy city traffic is a skill that can be learned and honed. City driving is different from driving on open highways, in the suburbs, in smaller towns, or in rural areas.

City driving demands a lot of concentration and prior planning. A big part of making city driving easier is knowing how to avoid heavy traffic.

How Do I Get Better At Driving In The City?

There’s really only one way to get better at driving in the city: practicing diligently. City driving requires certain skills that need to be developed. The first few times you drive in the city may be a nerve-wracking experience, but with practice comes competence and confidence.

Effective journey planning is also essential. You need to know exactly where you’re going, how you’ll get there, and when the best time to make your journey is.

inner-city traffic jam
Image by 0532-2008 on Pixabay: How do I get better at driving in the city? Read on for our top tips.

What Makes City Driving More Difficult?

City driving is more difficult because there are more vehicles on the roads, often in close proximity to each other. City driving is stressful, so people tend to be more emotional – this can cause aggressive driving. Also, cities have a lot more one-way streets and are generally more difficult to navigate.

Why Is it Good For Disabled Drivers To Avoid Heavy Traffic?

It’s a good idea for disabled drivers to avoid heavy traffic as much as possible because it:

  • Extends journey times
  • Gives off fumes and pollutants
  • Causes stress and anxiety
  • Can cause minor accidents
  • Can make your journey physically uncomfortable if you’re stuck for long periods of time

You can see if you’re qualified for a disabled parking permit in the city by having an online consultation.

When Driving In The City, What Helps You Avoid Traffic?

If you’re wondering how to avoid inner-city traffic altogether, there are several things you can do to steer clear!

Here are five tips on how to avoid inner-city traffic.

1. Avoid Rush Hour And Busy Periods If Possible

In large cities, traffic volume varies depending on what time of the day or night it is. If your journey is during rush hour, it can take much longer than if you travel during a quieter time of day. Where possible, try to plan your trip times to coincide with quieter periods outside of rush hour.

2. Plan Your Route In Advance

There is always an optimal route to get to where you want to go. Leaving your route to chance can be a big mistake if you are trying to avoid heavy traffic! Big cities can be complex mazes of hard-to-navigate streets, so planning the easiest, most sensible route before you travel is a good way to minimize your journey time and avoid heavy traffic.

3. Use Satellite Navigation

It’s a big mistake not to take advantage of GPS navigation when driving in the city. Sat-nav now exists on all smartphones and is extremely effective at telling you the best routes to take and giving real-time warnings about road closures, accidents, or heavy traffic.

heavy traffic on highway
Image by pixaoppo on Pixabay: When driving in the city, what helps you avoid traffic?

4. Use Toll Lanes, Express Lanes, And HOV Lanes

Toll lanes and express lanes are usually worth the price. Paying to use a toll and express lane will allow you to avoid heavy traffic and can often cut significant time off your journey. Also, carpooling will allow you to use High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, which are much quicker. In some jurisdictions – for example, Houston, Texas – it is possible for single-occupancy vehicles to pay to use HOV lanes, and for disabled veterans to use HOV lanes free of charge.

5. Consider Alternative Forms Of Transportation

If you need to travel during a busy time when traffic will be heavy, consider using an alternative form of transport. Most US cities have disability-friendly public transport systems with accessible buses, metro trains, trams, or subways.

Featured image by Nout Gons on Pexels