Today we’re here to talk about how to get a disabled parking sticker in Florida. A Florida disabled parking sticker entitles its holder to legally use disabled parking infrastructure in the state of Florida, as well as in all other US states and several foreign countries.

How To Get A Disabled Parking Sticker In Florida

So, how do I get a handicap sticker for my car in Florida? You can get a disabled parking sticker in Florida if you have a qualifying disability.

Your suitability will be ascertained during a consultation with a medical professional. This consultation can be done remotely using a telemedicine clinic such as Disabled Parking. Once your suitability is verified, you will need to submit an application form to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

Can A Florida Disability Sticker Application Be Submitted Online?

Unfortunately, it’s not yet possible to submit an application for a Florida disabled parking sticker online. Applications must be submitted either in person or by mail to your local tax collector office or license plate agency.

What Types Of Florida Handicap Parking Permit Are Available?

The following types of Florida handicap parking permits are available:

  • Permanent disabled placards (for individuals who have long-term disabilities and organizations that transport disabled people)
  • Permanent disabled license plates
  • Temporary disabled placards (for individuals who have a disability that is expected to be short-term)
  • Disabled Veterans plates
miami beach bridge florida
Image by yanivmatza on Pixabay: How much is a handicap sticker in Florida?

How Much Is A Handicap Sticker In Florida?

In Florida, permanent disabled parking permits are free. Temporary Florida disabled parking permits cost $15.

What Are The Qualifying Conditions For A Florida Handicap Parking Sticker?

The medical conditions that qualify you for a disabled parking sticker in Florida are:

  • Any disability that limits your ability to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest
  • An inability to walk without the use of or assistance from a cane, crutch, brace, prosthetic device, or other assistive device
  • Permanent wheelchair use
  • Lung disease to the extent that forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter or arterial oxygen is less than 60 mm/hg on room air at rest
  • Portable oxygen tank usage
  • A cardiac condition that is classified in severity as Class III or Class IV by the American Heart Association
  • A severely limited ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition
  • Legal blindness

Who Can Certify An Application For A Disabled Parking Sticker In Florida?

The following medical professionals can certify an application for a Florida disabled parking sticker:

  • Licensed physician
  • Physician’s assistant
  • Optometrist
  • Chiropractor
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Osteopath
  • Podiatrist

How Long Are Florida Disabled Parking Permits Valid For?

Florida permanent disabled parking permits must be renewed every four years. A permanent permit issued to a disabled person will expire in four years on their birthday. Permits issued to organizations will expire in four years on June 30.

Temporary placards are valid for the time period specified by the certifying medical professional, which cannot exceed six months. 

To renew a Florida disabled parking sticker, you must submit a copy of the registration for your expiring permit and an application form to your local tax collector office or license plate agency, either in person or by mail.

view of florida city
Image by Kelly L on Pexels: How do I get a handicap sticker for my car in Florida?

Where Are Florida Disabled Parking Stickers Valid?

Florida disabled parking stickers are valid in the following jurisdictions:

  • All US states
  • All US overseas territories
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Japan
  • EU
  • UK
  • Switzerland

What Are The Florida Handicap Parking Rules And Regulations?

When using a Florida disabled parking sticker, you must adhere to the following rules and regulations:

  • You can park in any designated disabled parking space for unlimited time.
  • You can park in on-street metered spaces for free for up to four hours.
  • Your disabled placard must be clearly visible hung from the rearview mirror, with the permit number visible from the front of the vehicle, when your vehicle is parked. Your placard must be removed from the rearview mirror and safely stowed while driving.
  • You must not park in a striped Access Aisles or any area that is designated “No Parking”.
  • Only the official permit holder can use a disabled permit.
  • There must be a valid yellow registration decal attached to both sides of your permit.

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