Stop the rush for your handicap parking permit here. You need to assess what the nation’s laws are for obtaining your parking permits and how you can and cannot use them. States vary in the laws across the country, but check your local laws, too. New York has certain policies in place to help you understand your rights and receiving your disability parking placards.
Your Information on Eligibility in New York
You must check your state and local laws to determine how you can qualify for your disabled parking permit. New York’s laws vary, largely, compared to other states about your parking permits. You have options and decisions to make regarding which type of parking permit you need.
- Determine your eligibility
The first thing for you to figure out is if you qualify for a disabled parking permit:
- If you medically cannot use or partially use one or both legs;
- If you are legally blind;
- If you have a neurological disorder that significantly reduces your mobility; and/or
- If you have any other physical or mental condition that makes public transportation hard.
Your acceptable medical physicians for certification purposes include:
- Licensed Physicians
- Licensed Podiatrists
- Licensed Optometrists (visual conditions, only)
- Licensed Mental Health Physicians
There are temporary and permanent parking permits for New York State, and parking permits specifically for New York City. If you drive or live anywhere other than New York City, you need to apply for a New York State permit. Keep in mind that with the New York State permit, you are eligible for other usage in Canada and throughout the state.
What are the Differences Between State and City Disability Parking Permits?
If you are applying for a New York State Permit, you must be a permanent resident and your vehicle must be current on your registration, as required by law. Your permanent parking placard will be a plastic, blue hanger (temporary state permits are red). You are permitted to accessibly park anywhere in New York State. Permanent placards are legal for up to five years, expiring at the end of the month.
If you are applying for a New York City Permit, you are allowed to register up to three vehicles. You may amend the number of vehicles or replace a vehicle with valid registration information and your current driver’s license. You are designated to park in any off-street handicap accessible spaces (i.e. malls, universities, and office or apartment buildings) without being charged for a meter. You do not have to be a resident of New York City to apply. A renewal application will be mailed to you six weeks before the expiration, and you will need to visit a branch of the New York Department of Motor Vehicles for submission.
- Note that if you suffer from a severe condition that does not permit you to walk, you are eligible for curb parking in New York City streets.
- For you to not be required to pay for parking meters, you will need to submit a Metered Parking Waiver to the New York Department of Transportation.
- Some parking spaces, like, Truck Unloading Zones, will need to be perceived by the disability permit holder; you are only allowed to park on days and times that trucks are able to park.
- Follow your rule of thumb and do not park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, double park, rideshare spaces, and spaces designated for fire trucks or ambulances.
What are the Rules for Out-of-State Visitors and Tourists?
If you are visiting New York State or New York City, your handicap parking passes will be accepted to park in any off-street space, available to you. You may apply for a New York City Permit to park on the streets of the city.
How to Use Your Disability Parking Permit
After you receive your temporary or permanent parking permit, you must hang the placard in your rearview mirror. Your expiration date must be visible through the windshield of your vehicle. If you have a New York City Permit, you will need to place the permit on your dashboard, expiration date visible to parking enforcers.
If your parking permit is stolen or lost, contact the police department immediately to file a report. Get a copy of your report and submit a form for lost and stolen permits, be sure to include your case number. The New York Department of Transportation reserves the right to deny any more parking permits, if you have more than two occurrences for lost or stolen disabled parking placards.
- Do not park in a handicap accessible space without proper parking permit status or with an expired disability parking permit.
What Fines Can You Induce if You Park Illegally?
If you are not using your disability parking permit or forget to place your permit in the correct position, you could be subject to fines. The fees assessed may be in excess of $150, depending on the degree of your offense. Law enforcement agencies and private operators are permitted to request the towing and storage of your vehicle, if you are illegally parked.
Where You Can Find New York DMV Locations
Now-a-days, you can virtually search for a New York Department of Motor Vehicles branch. You are strongly encouraged to visit in person and at a location closest to your home. Not all locations offer every service, so be sure to check with your location before heading out your door. To avoid long lines and waiting times, you can create a reservation to save your spot in line, from the comfort of your couch.
After careful examination of New York’s Disabled Persons laws, gather all of your needed documents to submit your application. You must follow the laws stated to receive your disability parking permit and use resourcefully. The outline encourages you to conduct some research when selecting your wants and needs for a disability parking permit in New York State and New York City.