If you live in South Carolina and you are currently experiencing a debilitating condition which adversely affects your ability to walk safely and efficiently, then you may be able to qualify for a disabled parking permit.
A disabled parking permit is a certificate which enables you to receive a parking placard or license plates. These specially designated materials enable your car to park in specially set aside parking spaces which are much closer to the entrances of most businesses and buildings. If this sounds like an accommodation which would make your life easier, read on for a complete guide on how to receive one!
Make Sure You Qualify
As the number of convenient parking spaces this close to the entrance is necessarily limited, the state of South Carolina has a vested interest in making sure that the only people who are able to use these parking spaces are the people who most need to use these parking spaces. The state has therefore put together a list of qualifying conditions in order to help make it clear who should be applying for disabled permits.
When you put together your application materials, one of the steps you will have to take is meeting with a licensed doctor or other medical professional in order to make sure that you condition is confirmed and approved.
Talk to a Licensed Medical Professional
There are currently two main ways of talking to a licensed medical professional.
- In Person. If your condition makes it possible for you to go speak with a personal physician, please download the application form from the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles website. The second part of this form must be completed and signed by your doctor. He or she will go through the list of qualifying conditions with you to ensure that you qualify.
- Video Chatting Online. However, if due to your life circumstances you find it impossible to go visit a local doctor, there is another option. If you video chat with a licensed medical professional online, not only can you complete this task from the comfort of your living room, but your application form will be emailed to the Department of Motor Vehicles immediately after your call.
Whichever route you choose, make sure that your doctor prints and signs the form, as well as providing their contact information and professional license number just in case any follow up is required.
Fill Out the Form
The first two parts of the application form are for you to fill out. Once you’ve downloaded and printed out the form, take a few minutes to make sure that you have completed every field in your personal and vehicle sections.
Please note that if you submit your application with any section only partially filled, the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles will simply return the form to you, and you will have to begin again. It is therefore in your best interest that you take the time to complete every portion of the form.
Specific information that you will need to have on hand to do this includes:
- Your full name, address, date of birth and phone number
- If it differs from your home address, your mailing address
- Your social security number, your email, and your printed name and signature.
Submit Your Form to the Department of Motor Vehicles
There are two ways to submit your application form:
- Mail Your Form In: If you spoke with a local medical professional in person, then you will have to physically mail your form in. The address to which you should mail your form is listed on the back of the official application form.
- Have Your Form Emailed For You: If you decided to video chat with a licensed medical professional in order to get your condition approved for your application packet, this step will be taken care of for you! in a confidential manner which keeps all of your information completely secure, your application form will be emailed to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles for you.
Please note as well that for parking placards, there is a one dollar fee required by the state.
Wait For Your Permit to Arrive
Before you begin parking in the spots specifically set aside for those with disabilities, you will need to wait for your form to arrive in the mail. Unfortunately, merely going through the application process does not qualify you to use these accommodations.
The South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles makes every effort to review each application as soon as is possible, but you should note that it may take up to a few business weeks for them to do so. It is recommended that you leave about a month of buffer time in your plans for this permit to arrive.
Safely Use Your Disabled Parking Permit
Please remember that your parking permit will come with (unless otherwise requested) a parking placard which will legally enable you to park in disabled parking spots. While it may seem convenient to leave your parking placard posted at all times, please do not do so.
It is illegal to have your parking placard dangling in the front of your vehicle at any time when the vehicle is in motion.
A South Carolina disabled parking permit is a fantastic tool that you can use to make your day to day life considerably easier. For example, you can plan to run your errands without having to worry about being forced to walk further than your body can comfortably do so.
The application process for a South Carolina disabled parking permit is necessarily a little complex, as the state needs to ensure that only those who need this tool can use it. You will need to speak with a medical professional, you will need to provide a small fee for the service, and you will need to make sure that your form is completely filled out.
Remember to use your parking placards properly to enjoy the rights that come with your disabled parking permit!