Driving while tired is dangerous for any driver, but it can be especially so for disabled drivers. That’s why we’re here to discuss how fatigue can affect disabled drivers on the road. We will outline the risks of driving while tired, and provide some safety recommendations that can help to protect you from the dangers of tired driving.
How Fatigue Can Affect Disabled Drivers
Fatigue can affect disabled drivers in many ways that are dangerous and detrimental to their ability to drive safely. Tired drivers are more prone to errors, find it more difficult to concentrate, are easily distracted, can lose focus, and can even fall asleep while driving. Needless to say, driving while fatigued can have lethal consequences.
Why Does Fatigue Increase The Risk Of Being Involved In An Accident?
So, how does fatigue cause road accidents? Fatigue increases the risk of being involved in an accident in several ways:
- Reduces reaction times
- Makes concentration more difficult
- Can result in drivers falling asleep at the wheel
- Can cause drivers to drive too fast
Why Fatigue Can Be Especially Dangerous For Disabled Drivers
Fatigue can be especially dangerous for disabled drivers because they often have to operate extra equipment such as electronic hand controls. Also, disabled drivers sometimes have to work around their disability when driving, which can require extra concentration.
What Are Some Causes Of Driver Fatigue?
Driver fatigue can be caused by:
- Alcohol consumption
- Bad sleep hygiene
- Driving late at night or early in the morning
- Dehydration
- Driving for too long without a break
- Allergies
- Medical conditions
- Medication
Driver Fatigue Management: Ways To Mitigate The Effects Of Driver Fatigue
Driver fatigue is a common cause of traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths on the roads. Driver fatigue management is essential for disabled drivers to keep themselves, their passengers, and other road users safe. Here are some ways you can mitigate the effects of driver fatigue.
Practice Safe Defensive Driving
Defensive driving is the method of driving that is most likely to keep you safe, whatever situations happen to arise. Other drivers can be one of the biggest threats on the road. Unfortunately, some of them will be driving while tired, and these drivers can be dangerous to you. Stay as safe as possible when encountering these drivers by practicing defensive driving at all times.
Never Drink And Drive
Alcohol will tend to make you tired. Even drinking an amount within the legal limit can cause you to feel fatigued soon afterward. Avoid this by never drinking alcohol before you drive.
Understand Your Medications
Certain medications cause you to feel drowsy. Driving when drowsy from medication is dangerous. Always know whether the medication you need will make you drowsy, and don’t drive after taking a medication that does so.
Prioritize Good-Quality Sleep
If you get good-quality sleep at night, you’re likely to feel energized and awake the next day. You can reduce the chances that you will feel fatigue while driving by getting seven to nine hours of sound sleep before hitting the road.

Pull Over For A Nap
If you’re already on a journey and you feel sleepy while driving, you should pull over and take a short nap. Even a twenty-minute power nap will refresh you and allow you to continue with your journey feeling safely alert. Make sure you park in a safe place such as a gas station, parking lot, or layby to take your nap.
Get Some Fresh Air
Often a stuffy environment can cause you to feel drowsy. If you’re feeling this way while driving, pulling over and taking a walk or a break outside in the fresh air can make you feel alert. When driving in warm conditions, use cool air-conditioning and open your windows to make sure the vehicle is not stuffy and causing you to feel fatigued.
Utilize Caffeine
Caffeine is a famously effective stimulant. You can utilize caffeine in the form of coffee, tea, caffeinated soft drinks, or caffeine pills to keep you alert while driving. Just be sure never to rely solely on caffeine in place of proper rest.
Stay Hydrated
Being dehydrated can lead to feelings of drowsiness and sleepiness. Always stay well hydrated while driving to avoid fatigue.
Featured image by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels